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2024-08-30 16:44:07

ADRA Malawi has launched girls’ empowerment and menstrual health project in Mangochi.

The project aims at raising awareness to stakeholders on menstrual health and hygiene management, providing decent sanitary wear to school going girls that would enable them remain is school during menstruation, educating girls in menstrual and reproductive health education to school going girls to empower them to take control of their personal hygiene and... >>
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2024-07-26 10:09:23

From July 15th to 18th, 2024, ADRA Malawi, in collaboration with Save the Children, successfully conducted an intensive four-day Training of Trainers (ToT) session for Community Based Trainers (CBTs) under the Green Jobs for Adolescent Youth (GJ4AY) project. This initiative, funded by Save the Children Italy, aims to equip youth in Mzimba districts with essential skills for decent jobs, entrepreneurship opportunities, and green skills.

The training provided CBTs with updated... >>
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2024-06-10 11:02:24

ADRA Malawi has made significant progress in its Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) project, which is being implemented with financial support from Partners in Health in Mangochi, Ntchisi, and Rumphi districts.

Aninde Migogo, the project officer for ADRA Malawi and coordinator of the NCDs project, stated that the intended goal has been reached, although there are still areas being worked on. She emphasized that it is a gradual process and cannot be... >>
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2024-04-24 13:29:04

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) has donated food relief items to 150 households in Mtimabi area, Mangochi district. The beneficiaries are from Group Village Heads Mthiramanja and Lusewe.
Speaking during the distribution ceremony, ADRA Malawi Country Director, Pastor Dr. Dennis Matekenya said in response to the call that the Head of... >>
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2024-03-23 17:32:34

Recently, ADRA Malawi conducted a three-day orientation aimed at imparting knowledge to Child Protection Workers (CPWs) and Social Workers (SWOs) on integrated Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) case management and disability inclusion. The training was held at Mphatso Motel in Mzuzu from 12th to 14th March 2024.

ADRA's Project Coordinator for Green Jobs, Beatrice Banda, said the direct beneficiaries of the project are youth and adolescents, which is why... >>
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2024-03-03 19:22:18

In the serene landscapes of Malawi, a silent yet significant health crisis unfolds. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes silently claim lives and strain healthcare systems. However, amidst these challenges, ADRA Malawi stands as a beacon of hope, leading a transformative effort to combat NCDs and improve the health and well-being of communities

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2024-03-01 11:24:18

ADRA Malawi is implementing Green jobs project with funding from Save the Children with the aim of curbing the destruction of natural resources and over 100 people are expected to benefit from the project in Mzimba district specifically in T/A Mbelwa, T/A Mzikubola and T/A Kampingosibande.

Speaking in an interview on Friday, 23rd February,2024 during Village Natural Resources Management Committees(VNRMCs), Village Disaster Risk Management Committees (VDRMCs) and Youth Clubs trainings... >>
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2023-10-27 15:25:15

More resources are needed in the fight against Cholera. This was highlighted in Blantyre when
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"Justice, Compassion and Love."