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Empowering Youth for a Sustainable Future

From July 15th to 18th, 2024, ADRA Malawi, in collaboration with Save the Children, successfully conducted an intensive four-day Training of Trainers (ToT) session for Community Based Trainers (CBTs) under the Green Jobs for Adolescent Youth (GJ4AY) project. This initiative, funded by Save the Children Italy, aims to equip youth in Mzimba districts with essential skills for decent jobs, entrepreneurship opportunities, and green skills.

The training provided CBTs with updated methodologies for Savings and Loans Groups (SLG), emphasizing financial literacy, resource management, and strategic saving practices. Each day brought significant progress and practical knowledge to the participants.

The training began with an introduction to the SLG methodology, focusing on financial literacy and collective resource management. Interactive sessions helped participants understand the fundamentals of saving collectively and managing loans effectively.

The second day participants delved deeper into financial concepts through real-world scenarios and practical exercises. Group discussions fostered a sense of community and mutual support, allowing CBTs to share their experiences and learn from one another.

The final day consolidated the knowledge gained over the previous days. Participants conducted comprehensive reviews, practical demonstrations, and final assessments. They shared their plans for implementing the SLG methodology in their communities, addressing potential challenges, and ensuring a sustainable impact.

The training also integrated important aspects of nutrition, including adolescent nutrition, and preparing participants for external shocks such as economic downturns or natural disasters. This holistic approach ensures that CBTs are well-prepared to support the health, well-being, and economic resilience of the youth in their communities.

The dedication and enthusiasm of the trainers and participants were evident throughout the training. The skills and knowledge acquired during these four days have laid a strong foundation for the successful implementation of the GJ4AY project. ADRA Malawi and Save the Children remain committed to supporting these efforts, ensuring that the benefits of the project reach every corner of the targeted communities.

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