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ADRA Malawi launches girls’ empowerment project

ADRA Malawi has launched girls’ empowerment and menstrual health project in Mangochi.

The project aims at raising awareness to stakeholders on menstrual health and hygiene management, providing decent sanitary wear to school going girls that would enable them remain is school during menstruation, educating girls in menstrual and reproductive health education to school going girls to empower them to take control of their personal hygiene and empowering mother groups by advocating for their meaningful participation in socio-economic development of their lives through essential skills training and mindset change.

A recent UNICEF report in Malawi shows that only 10% of girls reach and attain MSCE and 50% of girls drop out of school and are married and raising kids before they reach the age of 18 and this one of the reasons that prompted ADRA Malawi to implement this project and also targeting Mangochi because it is one of the districts with high school drop rate.

To make sure that the project reaches its intended purpose, the girls will be provided with reusable Sanitary Pads that last between two to four years, to ensure they can still remain in school during menstruation. This will help improve school attendance and academic performance.

The project targets adolescent girls from 10 to 18 years and will be implemented in Mangochi and Lilongwe districts.

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